How to Delete Google Ads Account

Are you looking to bid farewell to your Google Ads account? Whether it’s due to financial reasons, a change in advertising strategy, or simply dissatisfaction with the results, you may come to know easily how to delete Google ads account in a straightforward process. In this guide, we’ll discuss the steps to delete your Google Ads account effectively.

Introduction to Google Ads Account

Google Ads (former Google AdWords) is a powerful advertising platform. It allows businesses to reach potential customers through targeted ads. However, there may come a time when you need to cancel your Google Ads account.

Reasons for Deleting a Google Ads Account

Financial reasons

Running Google Ads campaigns can incur costs, and if your budget is tight, you may need to cut down on expenses by deleting your Google Ads account.

Changing advertising strategy

As your business evolves, you may change your advertising strategy too. If you’re shifting focus or exploring new marketing channels, deleting your Google Ads account might be part of that transition.

Dissatisfaction with results

If your Google Ads campaigns aren’t delivering the desired results or ROI, you may decide to delete your account and explore alternative advertising avenues.

What to Consider Before Deleting Your Google Ads Account

Before proceeding with the deletion process, it’s essential to take some preparatory steps to ensure a smooth transition.

Reviewing account performance

Evaluate the performance of your Google Ads campaigns to understand their effectiveness and identify any areas for improvement.

Downloading important data

Download any crucial data or reports from your Google Ads account, such as campaign metrics, ad performance data, and billing information, for future reference.

Cancelling active campaigns

If you have any active campaigns running, consider pausing or cancelling them before deleting your Google Ads account to avoid incurring additional costs.

Problems You Can Encounter While Deleting your Ads Account

Encountering problems is not uncommon when dealing with digital advertising platforms like Google Ads. Here are some common issues you may face:

Policy Violations: Your ads or account may be suspended or disapproved due to policy violations, such as promoting prohibited products, using misleading or deceptive practices, or violating trademark policies.

Quality Score Issues: Your ads may receive low-quality scores, impacting their visibility and performance. This could be due to factors like low ad relevance, landing page experience, or expected click-through rate.

Technical Glitches: Technical issues with the Google Ads platform can occur, leading to problems such as ad disapprovals, tracking errors, or issues with billing and payments.

Competitive Pressure: In highly competitive markets, you may encounter challenges in achieving desired ad placements or maintaining cost-effective advertising campaigns due to increased competition and higher bid prices.

Click Fraud: Click fraud involves illegitimate clicks on your ads with the intent to drain your advertising budget or sabotage your campaigns. Monitoring for click fraud and taking preventive measures is crucial to protect your ad spend.

Conversion Tracking Issues: Incorrect setup or configuration of conversion tracking can lead to inaccurate performance measurement and optimization decisions. Ensure your conversion tracking tags are properly implemented and functioning correctly.

Budget Management: Managing ad budgets effectively can be challenging, especially if you’re working with limited resources. Overspending or underspending can impact the performance and reach of your campaigns.

Ad Fatigue: Overexposure to the same ads can lead to ad fatigue among your target audience, resulting in decreased engagement and conversion rates. Rotating ad creatives and refreshing your messaging regularly can help mitigate this issue.

Algorithm Changes: Changes to Google’s ad ranking algorithms or policies can impact the performance and visibility of your ads. Staying informed about updates and adapting your strategies accordingly is essential to maintain campaign effectiveness.

Account Security: Ensuring the security of your Google Ads account is crucial to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, or account hijacking attempts. Implement strong password practices and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Addressing these problems often requires a combination of proactive monitoring, timely optimization, adherence to best practices, and effective communication with Google Ads support or account representatives when necessary.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Delete Google Ads Account

When you have prepared your account, it’s time to walk through the steps to delete it.

Step 1: Accessing Google Ads dashboard

Log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to the dashboard.

Step 2: Navigating to account settings

Locate the settings menu and click on “Account Settings” or a similar option.

Step 3: Initiating the account deletion process

Look for the option to delete your account, usually found under the “Account Preferences” or “Account Access” section.

Step 4: Confirming account deletion

Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion of your Google Ads account. You may be required to provide additional verification or information.

Things to Consider After Deleting Your Google Ads Account

Once you’ve successfully deleted your Google Ads account, there are a few things to consider for post-deletion management.

Manage billing and payments

Review your billing and payment settings to ensure that there are no outstanding balances or pending transactions associated with your deleted account.

Evaluate alternative advertising options

Explore alternative advertising channels or strategies that align with your marketing goals and budget now that your Google Ads account has been deleted.

Best Alternatives to Google Ads Account

When choosing an alternative to Google Ads, consider your target audience, advertising goals, and budget. Trying out different platforms can help you reach a broader audience and reduce reliance on one platform. Several alternatives to Google Ads offer similar advertising services, each with unique strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Facebook Ads: Facebook has a massive user base and offers highly targeted advertising options based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors. It’s particularly effective for businesses targeting specific demographics or those in e-commerce.

2. Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads): With Microsoft Advertising, you can reach users across the Bing search engine, Yahoo, and other partner sites. It’s a great option if your target audience is more likely to use Bing or if you want to diversify your ad spend beyond Google.

3. LinkedIn Ads: Ideal for B2B businesses, LinkedIn Ads allow you to target professionals based on their job title, industry, company size, and more. It’s effective for promoting business services, job openings, and content marketing.

4. Twitter Ads: Twitter offers various ad formats, which include promoted tweets, accounts, and trends. It’s suitable for businesses looking to increase brand awareness, promote events, or drive website traffic.

5. Amazon Advertising: If you’re selling products online, especially through Amazon, Amazon Advertising can be highly effective. You can promote your products within Amazon search results and on other Amazon-owned properties.

6. Pinterest Ads: Pinterest is popular for users seeking inspiration and ideas for various topics, making it an excellent platform for businesses in niches like fashion, home decor, food, and DIY.

How to Delete Google Ads Account

7. Snapchat Ads: Particularly appealing to younger demographics, Snapchat offers various ad formats to engage users, including Snap Ads, Filters, and Lenses. It’s suitable for brands aiming to reach a younger audience.

8. Quora Ads: Quora allows you to promote your business by targeting users based on the questions they ask and topics they’re interested in. It’s effective for businesses in niche industries or those looking to establish thought leadership.

When choosing an alternative to Google Ads, consider your target audience, advertising goals, and budget. It’s often beneficial to diversify your advertising strategy across multiple platforms to reach a broader audience and mitigate risks associated with relying solely on one platform.

What Happens When You Delete Your Google Ads Account?

When you delete your Google Ads account, it’s important to understand the implications and what happens to your data:

Data Deletion: Deleting your Google Ads account typically results in the deletion of all associated data, including campaign settings, ad creatives, targeting preferences, billing information, and performance metrics. This data is permanently removed from Google’s servers.

Billing and Payments: Any outstanding balance or credits associated with your account will be settled according to Google’s billing policies. You may receive a final invoice or refund for any unused credits.

Access Revocation: Once your account is deleted, you’ll lose access to Google Ads and associated services, including campaign management tools, reporting dashboards, and customer support channels. You won’t be able to log in or access any historical data.

Impact on Campaigns: Deleting your account will halt all active campaigns, ad groups, and ads associated with it. Any ongoing promotions or ad placements will cease, and your ads will no longer be visible on Google’s ad networks.

Loss of Historical Data: Deleting your account means you’ll lose access to historical performance data, including past campaign metrics, conversion tracking data, and audience insights. This information cannot be recovered once the account is deleted.

Ad Account ID: The unique identifier associated with your Google Ads account (known as the Ad Account ID) will become inactive and cannot be reused. If you decide to create a new Google Ads account in the future, you’ll receive a new Ad Account ID.

Impact on Other Google Services: Deleting your Google Ads account won’t affect your access to other Google services like Gmail, Google Drive, or Google Analytics. Each Google service operates independently, so deleting your Google Ads account won’t impact your usage of other Google products.

Before deleting your Google Ads account, ensure you’ve exported any essential data or reports you may need for future reference. Additionally, consider pausing or archiving campaigns instead of deleting the entire account if you may want to reactivate them later. Always review Google’s terms of service and data retention policies before taking any action.


Deleting your Google Ads account is a straightforward process that can be done in a few simple steps. Whether it’s due to financial constraints, a change in strategy, or dissatisfaction with results, knowing how to delete Google Ads account effectively ensures a smooth transition. Remember to prepare your account beforehand, follow the step-by-step guide, and consider alternative advertising options post-deletion.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I reactivate my deleted Google Ads account?

No, once you delete your Google Ads account, it cannot be reactivated. You’ll need to create a new account if you wish to advertise on Google again.

Will I receive a refund for unused advertising credits after deleting my account?

Google typically does not provide refunds for unused advertising credits after an account has been deleted. It’s essential to utilize any remaining credits before initiating the deletion process.

Is there a waiting period before my Google Ads account is permanently deleted?

Yes, Google may have a waiting period before permanently deleting your account to allow for any pending transactions or billing issues to be resolved.

Can I transfer my Google Ads account data to another advertising platform?

While you can download your account data from Google Ads, transferring it to another platform may not be straightforward due to differences in formats and requirements.

Are there any consequences for deleting my Google Ads account in terms of my Google account access?

Deleting your Google Ads account will not affect your access to other Google services associated with the same account, such as Gmail or Google Drive.

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